Monday, September 22, 2008

prove it

a thin wisp of smoke lifts from the discarded cigarette,
crushed but not snuffed out; another life thrown away.

buildings rise high, a testament to wealth;
their alcoves greet the homeless in the night,

until they are evicted,
made to bring cardboard and cloak out into the open.

grafitti tags mark the boundaries of violence
far below the penthouses of the affluent.

yet, high above from the 30th floor restaurant,
the city lights glitter as if unaware of the heartbreak.

meth labs in southeast,
gangland warfare in the north and in east county,
prostitution row on 82nd,
beggars lining every street corner within a forty mile radius.

and no one seems to care.
business as usual.
treat the symptoms, but not the root.
next generation lepers, kicked to the curb.


without dads.
without purpose.
without mentors.
without hope.

does anyone care?
prove it.

be the dad.
give a purpose.
be a mentor.
inspire hope.

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