Monday, August 07, 2006

Da Rooster Wawk

Ahm gonner bawk!
Ahm gonner tawk!
Ahm gonner wiggle while Ah wawk!

So look at me!
Don't ya see?
Ahm so full ob dignity!

Wid mah head
Held up high
I can fluttah at da sky!

Coz ahm a roostah!
Ahm a croonstah!
Ah know ya wanner be like me!

So wawk like me! Uh huh.
So tawk like me! Uh huh.
So bawk like me! Uh huh. Oh ya!

August 2006 by Glen Alan Woods

The preceding is an approximate rendering of the theme song for the "Ahm ah Roostah" benefit concert held at the local farm in honor of the roosters who lay down their lives protecting hens so that you and I can enjoy our favorite Double A eggs each and every week. If you would like to contribute a small gesture of solidarity with these noble roosters please stick your head out of your window or door right now and holler the following....Wait! Before you do, make sure people are there to hear you. Ok, ready? Holler the following: "Cockadoodledoo!" :D

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